Ravi Zacharias Praying Kid Story if You Ever Want to See Your Mom Again

Ravi Zacharias Ravi Zacharias > Quotes

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"Presence, relationship, holiness, trust, beauty, goodness, peace—all were present in the relationship betwixt God and humanity at cosmos. Past playing God and redefining good and evil co-ordinate to our own discretion, we introduced into the homo spirit disobedience, absence, severance, distrust, evil, and restlessness."
Ravi Zacharias, Why Suffering?: Finding Pregnant and Comfort When Life Doesn't Make Sense
"if it is true that heredity plays a role in the spiritual dispositions that are imprinted on our souls, Jesus' annunciation that each of us needs to exist born once more is even more profound. The DNA of generations by marks itself very deeply in us, and it takes a new birth for us to be able to see through new optics."
Ravi Zacharias, Walking from East to Westward: God in the Shadows
"The of import thing to deport in mind is that you lot must face your willingness to die to yourself before you cull to walk down the aisle. Is this person the one for whom you lot are willing to die daily? Is this person to whom y'all say, "I do" also the one for whom y'all are willing to say, "No, I don't" to everybody else? Be assured that marriage will cost you everything."
Ravi Zacharias, I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love
"So exercise non fright the struggle; rather, embrace it. Embrace it in the noesis that the G Weaver will take all of your struggles, questions, disappointments, and fears and apply them to build your faith and increasingly brand you into a human being or woman who looks similar Jesus Christ."
Ravi Zacharias, The Chiliad Weaver: How God Shapes United states of america Through the Events of Our Lives
"More and more, when something terrible happens, nosotros declare, "That's life!" — as though disappointment and heartache declare the sum total of this existence. Nosotros miss the roses and meet only the thorns. We take for granted the warmth of the sun and get depressed by the frequency of the rain or the snow. We ignore the sounds of life in a nursery considering we are preoccupied with the sounds of sirens responding to an emergency. We forget the marvel of a matrimony that has endured the test of time because nosotros feel discouraged by the heartaches of loved ones whose marriages didn't make it to the end."
Ravi Zacharias, The Chiliad Weaver: How God Shapes U.s. Through the Events of Our Lives
"Chesterton says, in essence, that there is a dislocation of humility in our times. We have become more than confident in who nosotros are and less in what we believe. Our pride has moved u.s. from the organ of confidence to the organ of appetite, when information technology is intended to be the other way around. In brusk, our confidence should be in our bulletin and not in ourselves."
Ravi Zacharias, Walking from Eastward to Westward: God in the Shadows
"When God brings us to conservancy, the most remarkable thing we see is that he transforms our hungers. He changes not just what we exercise simply what we desire to do. This is the work of the Holy Spirit within united states — "for it is God who works in yous to will and to human activity according to his good purpose" (Philippians 2:thirteen)."
Ravi Zacharias, The Chiliad Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
"Beginning well is a momentary affair; finishing well is a lifelong thing."
Ravi Zacharias
"I twenty-four hour period, John asked her to define sin. I doubtfulness whatever theologian could have done better than she did: "Son, whatever weakens your reasoning, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes away your relish for spiritual things; in short, if annihilation increases the authority and power of the flesh over the Spirit, then that to you lot becomes sin, however good it is in itself."1That definition became the guiding buoy for John. He carved it into his consciousness. His female parent inbred in him his sensitivity to sin."
Ravi Zacharias, The Chiliad Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
"More than annihilation else, prayer enables you to run across your ain centre and brings y'all into alignment with God'south heart. Prayer is not a monologue in which we imagine ourselves to exist communing with God. Rather, it is a dialogue through which God fashions your heart and makes his dream of you a reality. It is truly the treasured gift of the Christian that through direct answers and not-and so-direct answers, the follower of Jesus begins to love God for who he is, not for what he may get out of him."
Ravi Zacharias, The Yard Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
"We are all priests before God, there is no such distinction every bit 'secular or sacred.' In fact, the opposite of sacred is not secular; the contrary of sacred is profane. In short, no follower of Christ does secular work. Nosotros all have a sacred calling."
Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
"Let us employ Buddhism as a specific case. It is a system that is gaining a following amidst many in Hollywood. Information technology is often very simplistically defined equally a faith of compassion and ethics. The truth is that at that place is probably no system of conventionalities more complex than Buddhism. While it starts off with the iv noble truths on suffering and its cessation, information technology then moves to the eightfold path on how to end suffering. But equally i enters the eightfold path, there emerge hundreds upon hundreds of other rules to deal with contingencies. From a uncomplicated base of four offenses that effect in a loss of one'southward discipleship status is built an incredible building of ways to restoration. Those who follow Buddha'due south teachings are given thirty rules on how to ward off those pitfalls. But before one even deals with those, there are ninety-two rules that apply to just ane of the offenses. There are seventy-five rules for those inbound the order. In that location are rules of field of study to exist applied—two hundred and xx-vii for men, three hundred and eleven for women. (Readers of Buddhism know that Buddha had to be persuaded before women were fifty-fifty permitted into a disciple's status. After much pleading and cajoling by one of his disciples, he finally acceded to the asking only laid down extra rules for them.) Whatsoever one may make of all of this, nosotros must be clear that in a nontheistic arrangement, which Buddhism is, ethics become central and rules are added advertising infinitum. Buddha and his followers are the originators of these rules. The nigh common prayer for forgiveness in Buddhism, from the Buddhist Common Prayer, reflects this numerical maze: I beg leave! I beg leave, I beg leave. . . . May I be freed at all times from the four states of Woe, the 3 Scourges, the Eight Wrong Circumstances, the 5 Enemies, the 4 Deficiencies, the Five Misfortunes, and quickly reach the Path, the Fruition, and the Noble Law of Nirvana, Lord.4 Pedagogy"
Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Amidst Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Bulletin
"If you detect, the moral police in the other legal codes separates people (the Laws of Manu, the caste system, the Code of Hammurabi with the slave/possessor distinction). In Islam, the violator is inferior to the obedient one. By contrast, in the Hebrew-Christian tradition, the law unifies people. No one is made righteous before God by keeping the constabulary. Information technology is merely following redemption that nosotros can truly understand the moral constabulary for what it is---a mirror that indicts and calls the heart to seek God'southward assistance. This makes moral reasoning the fruit of spiritual understanding and not the cause of information technology."
Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes The states Through the Events of Our Lives
"The context of the entire volume of Task—the book in the Bible that deals most with this discipline—is hurting. "Why?" Job asked from diverse vantage points, but non once did he question God's existence. He struggled with wanting to know God's purpose and understand His ways. Chore wondered nigh the purpose of his own existence, but he never questioned God's existence. Deep within he ultimately recognized that exterior of God there were no answers, just haunting questions. Simply in the philosophical and the theological pursuits of the answers to the reality of his feel ii realities emerged, one negative and the other positive. First, the negative: the colossal failure of his friends. They were at their all-time when they took fourth dimension out of their own lives just to exist with him, proverb aught. The moment they began to give their ain observations for why Task was suffering and offer their suggestions for remedying his state of affairs, Task'due south pain intensified. To exist loved and feel cared about is what someone who is hurting needs from friends. The person who is experiencing pain and suffering simply needs to know that he or she is not alone."
Ravi Zacharias, Why Suffering?: Finding Meaning and Condolement When Life Doesn't Brand Sense
"Through the substance of human being flesh flows life. Life is more than thing. Religions that attempt to continue the body sacred while denying the Creator's paw are in the aforementioned gunkhole every bit skeptics who try to protect life while saying it is cipher more than affair.

All the desacralizing that has engulfed our civilization lies in this very struggle to empathize the place and sacredness of the body. The right to every private life, fifty-fifty the one nonetheless in the mother's womb; the pleasance and consummation of sexual delights, reserved for the sanctity of marriage; the injunction against suicide; the care and protection of one's health; the injunction against killing; and the command to love others more than than we honey ourselves and to work for their practiced-all of these menstruum from the fact that this trunk is a home place for God. Our world would exist a different place if we comprehended this sobering privilege.

Having lost this truth, what we are left with? Pornography and the cruel degradation of men, women, and children; decease in the womb in the name of personal rights; the breakdown of the family for myriad reasons; the profanation of sex in our amusement industry; violence in unprecedented proportions. Ane can merely weep for the haemorrhage and loss. In losing the high value that God has placed on the body, we are in free fall, at the mercy of greed, cruelty, and lust."
Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Amongst Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message

"Someone in one case elaborated on each line of the well-known and much-loved Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd — that'southward relationship! I shall not be in desire — that'due south supply! He makes me lie down in green pastures — that'south rest! He leads me beside quiet waters — that's refreshment! He restores my soul — that's healing! He guides me in the paths of righteousness — that's guidance! For His name'south sake — that's purpose! Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death —that's testing! I will fear no evil — that's protection! For you are with me — that's faithfulness! Your rod and the staff, they comfort me — that's discipline! You ready a table before me in the presence of my enemies —that's hope! You anoint my head with oil — that's consecration! My cup overflows — that'due south abundance! Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life —that'due south blessing! And I will dwell in the business firm of the Lord — that'southward security! Forever — that'south eternity! Writer OF ELABORATED Cloth UNKNOWN"
Ravi Zacharias, The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Lives
"In that location is no greater example in apologetics than the campaigner Paul speaking at Mars Hill. The irony of the talk Paul gave is in the divergence in reaction the Easterner has when reading Paul'due south address to that of a Westerner. The Easterner is thrilled at how the apostle wove the message starting from where the listeners were to bring them to where he was in his thinking. The average Westerner is quick to indicate out that few of his hearers responded. Such an attitude says volumes about why the church building in the W has been so intellectually weak. To those in the W, the bigger the number of respondents, the more replicated the technique. The bigger the statistic, the greater the success. Westerners are enamored by size, largesse, number of hands raised, then on. When the sun has set on these reports, we seem rather dismayed when statistics testify the quality of the life of the believer is no different from that of the unbeliever."
Ravi Zacharias, Beyond Stance: Living the Faith We Defend
"We are all born into different behavior, and therefore, nosotros should leave it that way"—so goes the tolerant "wisdom" of our time. Mahatma Gandhi, for example, strongly spoke out against the idea of conversion. When people make such statements, they forget or don't know that nobody is born a Christian. All Christians are such by virtue of conversion. To ask the Christian not to attain out to anyone else who is from another faith is to ask that Christian to deny his own religion. 1 of India'due south leading "saints," Sri Ramakrishna, is said to have been for a little while a Muslim, for a little while a Christian, and and so finally, a Hindu again, because he came to the conclusion that they are all the same. If they are still, why did he revert to Hinduism? It is only not truthful that all religions are the same. Even Hinduism is not the aforementioned within itself. Thus, to deny the Christian the privilege of propagation is to propagate to him or her the fundamental beliefs of some other organized religion. If"
Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message

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Source: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/3577.Ravi_Zacharias?page=4

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